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for the time being

Benjamin Zellmer Bellas

for the time being
Benjamin Zellmer Bellas, CC Ann Chen
November 1, 2009-February 13, 2010

Benjamin Zellmer Bellas’ repertoire of everyday objects and videos seems to be built on a philosophy similar to that of a Japanese home cook. One does as little as possible, allowing each ingredient to reveal itself in the best possible light. Unlike the Japanese, he avoids the rarified or refined ingredient. C.C. Ann Chen transforms her source material in the mode of a French chef. It is clear we are seeing her view, and her mastery uncovers the unknown in very familiar territory. Chen’s photographs, paintings and drawings deny the truism that seeing is believing. These artists’ styles could not be further apart, but the work occupies similar footing. Humor is great, but not pastiche or sarcasm. Thoughts, but not issues. Never too much or too heavy, never flimsy or trivial, they quietly persuade you away from the prevailing winds of standard thinking.

CC Ann Chen