

November 10 & 11, 2012 @ MDW Fair

Is there a tiny thing, hardly anything, that just gets you? You just can’t get around it even though it is scarcely there? That hangnail, a tiny curl in the lip that makes you distrusts that good-natured SOB. Objects in this mirror are closer than they appear.

Too big to fail. We see atrocities from so far away that we conceive of sentences containing both genocide and lipstick more easily than we imagine actual soldiers killing actual citizens of an actual sovereign nation. It’s as if we can’t fathom the  enormity of global warming so we fixate on a plastic bag form the corner grocer.

Look for slow’s booth at the MDW Fair to see the gigantic end of the spectrum. We will feature large scaled works by John Henley, Andrew Holmquist, Carol Jackson, and Steve Reber.

On the miniature side, Slow’s exhibition in Clutch Gallery will also be touring the Fair. Artists include Benjamin Bellas, Judith Brotman, CC Ann Chen, Andreas Fischer, Brent Garbowski, Joe Mault, and Mican Morgan.

Review: Eye Exam: Second to None Newcity
