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Loo presents: Pissing in the Wind

Loo presents: Pissing in the Wind

Drawings and sculpture by Amanda Joy Calobrisi

February 29-April 4, 2020

“You’re wasting your time,” they say. Actually they don’t say it like that, but that’s what they mean. But you know better. You can control the stream. And your control is masterful. You’ve been practicing for your entire lifetime. Also, you understand the wind, because you’ve taken the time to listen to it. You know the direction it blows, its power and how far it can move. Not a single drop is going to end up in your face. This is no bullshit amatuer move. You’re marking your territory. And when you come to the awareness that you have, that ALL of this belongs to you, you know you have to send your scent far and wide. So you harness the force of a gale and spread your scent over everything.